Advertising Google Ads

Διαφημιστική-καμπάνια-Google-AdwordsIn Google AdWords, every click counts and … costs. Learn how to organize a successful campaign without wasting your online advertising budget.

Google Ads is one of the most effective online advertising tools. However, you should be careful because instead of making money, it can cost you more than what it can offer you.

This may be due to the default AdWords settings, which take care to maximize the reach of your ads, along with the number of people who will see them. Logic says that the higher the reach, the more clicks on them.

Here things get more complicated, as pay-per-click advertising (ppc) does exactly what its name says, meaning that every click of a user has a cost to the advertised business. And when your goal is a large number of people, then the number of clicks on ads increases from people who do not belong to the target audience. Therefore, the problem of charging from such clicks can be solved if you identify the public that is really interested in your products or services.

Keywords instruct Google to display your ad to someone who uses these keywords in their search. On the other hand, negative keywords tell Google not to show your ads to anyone who searches for them. There are 5 types of keyword matching that are: phrase match, exact match, negative match, broad match , broad match modifier.

The right strategy is the success of a campaign. Increase the offer for your most efficient keywords. This is especially true for keywords that have a high click-to-click ratio (CTR) and Quality Score.

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