Speech Therapy Center Sepolia

Speech Therapy Center Sepolia | Occupational Therapy Center Sepolia | Special Education Sepolia | Speech therapy Sepolia | Occupational therapy Sepolia | Play therapy Sepolia | Visual Psychotherapy Sepolia | Sepolia Speech Therapy Diagnostic Test

Speech Therapy Center Sepolia | Pexnidia Logou

At the “Writing Speech Games” Centers, in Sepolia and Peristeri, our fully trained and specialized team of therapists is at your disposal, with a lot of love for children and always aiming to facilitate their daily life both at school and at home! We are waiting for you, up close, in the appropriately designed spaces of our Centers, to get to know each other and to do our best to deal with issues that arise with our children.

The following services are provided in our Centers:

Speech therapy (speech and speech disorders, stuttering)

Occupational therapies (literacy, self-care, movement skills)

Play therapy (child therapy through play)

Theatrical Play (expanding children’s possibilities through roles)

Parent Counseling (psychological support and help for parents)

Visual Psychotherapy (therapy based on the use of materials & colors)

Special Education (therapy based on the use of materials & colors)

Rehabilitation of Learning Difficulties (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyslexia)

Daily study and preparation for school In special cases and where deemed necessary, we collaborate with a Child Psychiatrist, Child Psychologist, Social Worker, to deal with learning difficulties and behavior. Possibility of home treatments.

FREE speech therapy diagnostic test.

FREE history download

Cooperation with all funds.

2nd center: 228 Konstantinoupoleos & Thivon St., Peristeri 12133 PERISTERI TEL: 210-5785008

Speech Therapy Center Sepolia, Occupational Therapy Center Sepolia, Special Education Sepolia, Speech Therapy Sepolia, Occupational Therapy Sepolia, Play Therapy Sepolia, Visual Psychotherapy Sepolia, Speech Therapy Diagnostic Test Sepolia


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