Geological Studies Neo Heraklion | GEOSCOPE

Geological Studies Neo Heraklion | Geological Studies Company Neo Heraklion | Geological Studies Neo Heraklion | Hydrogeological Studies Neo Heraklion | Geophysical Studies Neo Heraklion | Environmental Studies Neo Heraklion | Water Reserves Neo Heraklion | Topographic Surveys Neo Heraklion

Geological Studies Neo Heraklion | GEOSCOPE

GEOLOGICAL STUDIES COMPANY N. HERACLEIO / GEOSKOPIO The company ‘GEOSKOPIO ATE’, Geological Studies Neo Heraklion, founded in 1993, with its many years of experience, successfully operates in the field of geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and environmental studies. In addition, we undertake the provision of consultancy services on behalf of public and private sector entities. Areas of activity: Services such as Geological Surveys, Hydrogeological Surveys, Geophysical Surveys, Environmental Surveys and others.

Ø Geological Studies in the context of technical projects (road construction, railway network, underground excavations, foundations, dams, etc.)

Ø Studies of landslide phenomena and slope stability

Ø Geological suitability studies in the context of urban planning studies (GIS, SCHOOAP, extensions, building cooperatives, etc.)

Ø Research of hydrogeological conditions, quantitative and qualitative determination of water reserves, artificial enrichment of aquifers, water resources management

Ø Investigation of conditions of pollution of aquifers and remedial measures

Ø Issuance of water resources and water use project execution permits, execution and supervision of water wells and test pumping

Ø Development of Geographical Information Systems applications

Ø Topographic Impressions

Geological Surveys New Heraklion, Company of Geological Surveys New Heraklion, Geological Surveys New Heraklion, Hydrogeological Surveys New Heraklion, Geophysical Surveys New Heraklion, Environmental Studies New Heraklion, Water Resources New Heraklion, Topographic Surveys New Heraklion
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