Cardiac Surgeon Thessaloniki | KARELIDIS H.

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Cardiac Surgeon Thessaloniki | KARELIDIS H.

CARDIAC SURGEON KARELIDIS HERACLIS / THES/KI / Cardiac Surgeon Thessaloniki. Cardiac surgeon Karelidis Heraklis studied Medicine at the Moscow Medical Academy “I.M. Sechenov”. From 1990 and for a decade he practiced the specialty of cardiac surgeon at the Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery of “A.N. Bakulev” of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. Since 2002 he has been practicing the same specialty in a private clinic in Thessaloniki.

Undertakes all types of cardiac surgery related to: Coronary heart disease, Valvular disease, Aortic operations, Pericardial disease, Heart tumors and congenital heart diseases in adults

Doctor Karelidis Heraklis, always with the human in mind, treats all patients with kindness, understanding, honesty and humanity! Visit our clinic at 125 Egnatias Street, in Thes/ki, for any problem you are facing and for a preventive check-up!

Cardiac Surgeon Thessaloniki, Cardiac Surgery Clinic Thessaloniki, Cardiac Surgery Procedures Thessaloniki, Cardiac Surgery Check Up Thessaloniki, Cardiological Check up Thessaloniki
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