Biopathological Laboratory Ymittos | N. DIMOU

Biopathological Laboratory Ymittos | Microbiological Laboratory Ymittos | Microbiologist Ymittos | Biopathologist Ymittos | Doctor Ymittos | Doctor Hymettos | Ymittos Clinic

Biopathological Laboratory Ymittos | N. DIMOU

Biopathological Laboratory Ymittos. The Diagnostic Clinic of the microbiologist DIMOU NIKI is ISO 9001 certified, confirming the high level of service provision. External Quality Controls by Globally recognized bodies seal the validity of the analyses. And all this, always based on the person and the personal contact with each examinee individually.

Biopathological Laboratory Ymittos, Microbiological Laboratory Ymittos, Microbiologist Ymittos, Biopathologist Ymittos, Doctor Ymittos, Physician Ymittos, Clinic Ymittos
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