Veterinary Clinic Larisa | Animal’s Health

Veterinary Clinic Larisa | X-rays of animals Larisa | Biochemical tests of animals Larisa | Cytological examinations of animals Larisa | Magnetic tomography of animals Larisa | Operations on the urinary system of animals Larisa | Animal blood transfusions Larissa | Thoracic surgeries for animals Larisa | Animal abdominal surgeries Larisa | Animal eye surgeries Larisa

Veterinary Clinic Larisa | Animal’s Health


Animal’s Health, with responsible Veterinarian Ioannis Paschalidis, is based in Larissa, opposite the General Hospital. It is a fully equipped veterinary clinic, serving every veterinary emergency. They provide services such as x-rays, biochemical tests, cytological tests, magnetic resonance imaging, urinary system operations, blood transfusions as well as chest, abdominal and eye surgeries.

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